Depending on the variety, Vining Pea seed is usually supplied in units of 100,000 seeds, 25Kg or 500kg bags. Seed can be supplied untreated or treated with Wakil XL or Thiram. Please contact us for a quote. All subject to availability
Open Varieties which we can supply include:
Avola: An early variety known and used throughout the world. It is used for fresh market and by processors. Known as Spring in some countries.
Early Onward: Like Onward but earlier! Great flavour.
Onward: Super pea. Good size and good flavour. It has been around a while but not much beats it on taste.
Lincoln: Quality standard maincrop pea. Grown in many parts of the world for quality and flavour.
Climax: Quality standard maincrop pea. Grown in many parts of the world for quality and flavour.
Kelvedon Wonder: Well known and popular variety.
Meteor: Very popular variety. Popular in many parts of the world.
Douce Provence: Well known and widely used earlier type.
Greenshaft: Large pods and good yields make this a very popular pea.
and some other varieties also. We often buy in seed as a special order for our customers. If you don’t see it…ask us
Mange-Tout Varieties:
Snow Peas: Cascadia, Oregon Sugar Pod
Snap Peas: Sugar Snap, Sugar Ann